Cut the bra and the back pieces 4 times (one set for the facing/lining), mirroring each side. Cut the front skirt piece on fold once, and cut the back skirt pieces twice, making sure each side is mirroored. If you prefer to place the zipper on the side, ignore the center back seam and cut the back skirt on fold once. Cut the straps on fold twice, and cut 6 loops.
Starting with the bra pieces, sew a loose stitch between the notches, and pull the thread to create a gathered effect. Press flat with an iron. Stitch the bra pieces together in the center and sew the back pieces to the bra.
Make the straps and the loops. Refer to the sewing guide for detailed instructions on making the straps. Sew the straps onto the bra, and stitch the loops onto the back pieces, facing inward (they will be flipped over later when attaching the facing/lining).
Pin the top pieces to the facing/lining, ensuring the right sides face each other. Sew along the top edge of the bra and around the back pieces, stopping at the side seams. Flip the fabric right side out and press with an iron. Make small cuts in the seams to help the edges curve nicely.
Sew in a zipper at the back, and finish the top edge of the back skirt. Attach the back skirt to the front skirt, starting ½” (1cm) below the top edge of the front skirt. Sew the front skirt to the hem of the bra and overlock or zig-zag the seams.
Finally, finish the hem of the dress.